Embodied Awarness


There are so many forces as play in our body during pregnancy that affect the way you move, breathe, and carry your body. You’ve probably noticed some of these changes already but let’s take a look at how they can show up in your pregnant body.

  • Your lovely little babe pressing up into our diaphragm and lungs, leaving you feeling out of breath and making it more challenging to take a full breath

  • Your pelvic floor muscles going from holding up your pre pregnancy sized uterus (the size of a grapefruit) to your full term sized uterus (the size of a watermelon). That’s a big increase in weight that your pelvic floor muscles have to work to support.

  • The increased weight out in front of you, pulling your body into a forward lean increasing the pressure placed on your abdomen, pelvic floor,legs, hips and feet.

This practice is all about turning your attention inward and feeling into the different areas of your body. And beginning to notice your breath, how your body moves and your own postural habits. Feeling strong, supported and at ease, starts with awareness and connection.



Through stretches, mobility work and strength work we’ll create more support for your growing body. Understanding the postural shifts and working toward a more neutral/stacked position not only greatly reduces pain and discomfort but also helps with better fetal positioning (meaning your babe is in a good position for birth) and reduces overall restriction in your body, which helps promote a smoother birth.

THIngs to have on hand:

  • A blanket (optional)

  • A pillow, small ball or yoga block


Download your free Build Up To Birth Guide today! Inside, you'll discover specific movement tips and guidance tailored to each trimester, along with my 3-step framework designed to create balance in your pregnant body. Say goodbye to pregnancy aches and pains and hello to a smoother birth journey!