Come Right In!
Welcome to who we are together and who I am as the creator, leader and mama of this whole thing. I’m so happy you’re here.
Come Right In!
Welcome to who we are together and who I am as the creator, leader and mama of this whole thing. I’m so happy you’re here.
We’ve been taught to see movement as a means to a physical end - something that shapes our outsides, yet remains disconnected from our insides. We stretch, we lift, we pump but when the sweat dries, we often don’t feel how we want to feel. That’s because it’s not movement - it’s exercise.
Real, supportive, deep movement connects us to our insides and shapes our foundations. It shows us who we are and what we’re capable of. It empowers us. And this is never more important than when we step into motherhood.
Your body is about to evolve in front of your eyes. It’s going to feel, look, move and be different from day to day while you become your baby’s first home. As a movement and birth educator, I’ve created short, do-able classes, sessions and tools based firmly in yoga and pilates to fit the season you're in so we can build up your body to hold all that
motherhood is.
After the birth of my first son, I was pretty fixated on before.
I suited up in spandex six weeks after he was born glued to the idea that I needed a class with bootcamp in the name to get my body back to what it was before. It was as if I’d lost it, so I went to find it again in the mirror. I wanted to keep up, to look like I once did and to prove that I had this motherhood thing down. Meanwhile, my back felt broken, I peed doing jumping jacks and couldn’t keep my eyes open. This is what new moms feel, I thought.
When I had my second son, I was still fixated on before but added outside.
I still wanted my body back, but I hoped physiotherapists, massage therapists, pelvic specialists, osteopaths and chiropractors would give it to me. Even after 10 years as a movement teacher and birth doula, I’d lay in their offices feeling lost, confused, embarrassed and betrayed because I didn’t yet know my way around my own body.
All I knew was mind-numbing back, hip and pelvic floor pain, total exhaustion and weakened abs. This is what new moms feel, I thought.
That’s when it finally clicked.
All this time, I’d been driven by before and outside when I’d really needed to move forward and in to understand that my healing wasn’t about getting my body back, but being back in my body.
Knowing the difference was the catalyst I needed to start pooling my movement experience, knowledge and modalities together to create a practice that gave me the empowering support and sustainable strength I’d always been looking for. When I started feeling a million times better not only physically, but emotionally and mentally, I became the teacher I wish I’d had. My role and responsibility became clear: to show us mothers the way.
Training and teaching movement practitioners through hands-on knowledge, science and experience in the core and pelvic floor is what I love to do. If you’re looking to include this kind of education in your studio’s teacher training program or are looking for movement mentorship, please reach out!